
Where to park and start the hike: Go all the way to the end of Sanborn Rd. and find parking spot on the side of the road, do not block the gate or the local house road.
the first ½ mile of a very steep climb uphill the rest of the trails are not
difficult to hike, this entrance is not the “official” entrance but it is closer
to the valley.
You can
hike on the east side of the lake (take left) and go south on John Nicholas
trail all the way to the Black Rd. parking lot (from the lake this is easy 2
miles walk).
Hike extension option (1): Take the left PG&E service trail, walking for additional one mile
to the end of the road (gate), another narrow trail that continue up (just below the high
voltage line) but also here you will get into dead-end and need to go back (2
mile total).
Hike extension option (2): Once
you came back to the big trees keep going on the trail up the ridge. The 3.3 miles trail will
take you up all the way to Sunnyvale Mountain Trailhead parking lot and the
skyline hiking trail (on skyline Hwy 35). You can go up as much as you want and
then go down.
Hike extension option (3): Another,
much longer hiking option with addition of 4.5 miles, is to continue over skyline
trail north and go down back into Sanborn County Park, from there you need to go back to the end of the road where we left our car.
Where? : Lake
Ranch Reservoir is part of Sanborn park. the trailhead is located 30 min drive away from Sunnyvale at the end of Sanborn road.
What? : Lake Ranch Reservoir, a less crowded section of Sanborn Park. This park and the trails are highly recommended to mountain bikers with epic uphill and down single-track rides so when hiking do be careful from riders on the narrow trails.
Deu note: This section of the Sanborn Park is open without a fee.
My thoughts: Highly recommended park !
I visit this park many times for a short afternoon hike or mountain bike rides, not so many people, large lake and there is always something to see over there.
I visit this park many times for a short afternoon hike or mountain bike rides, not so many people, large lake and there is always something to see over there.
The visit:
Where to park and start the hike: Go all the way to the end of Sanborn Rd. and find parking spot on the side of the road, do not block the gate or the local house road.
the first ½ mile of a very steep climb uphill the rest of the trails are not
difficult to hike, this entrance is not the “official” entrance but it is closer
to the valley.
The hike: Take the trail going up in a steep climb all the way up to the lake (1/2 mile, ~20 min walk uphill).
At that nice lake valley view point you can find very big trees and picnic tables. The large lake is located right on top of San Andreas Fault (has dams on both sides).
You can
hike on the east side of the lake (take left) and go south on John Nicholas
trail all the way to the Black Rd. parking lot (from the lake this is easy 2
miles walk).
Hike extension option (1): Take the left PG&E service trail, walking for additional one mile
to the end of the road (gate), another narrow trail that continue up (just below the high
voltage line) but also here you will get into dead-end and need to go back (2
mile total).
Hike extension option (2): Once
you came back to the big trees keep going on the trail up the ridge. The 3.3 miles trail will
take you up all the way to Sunnyvale Mountain Trailhead parking lot and the
skyline hiking trail (on skyline Hwy 35). You can go up as much as you want and
then go down.
this section is excellent mountain bike trail, uphill and downhill.
Hike extension option (3): Another,
much longer hiking option with addition of 4.5 miles, is to continue over skyline
trail north and go down back into Sanborn County Park, from there you need to go back to the end of the road where we left our car.
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