What? : A secluded small
sandy beach, famous for its purple sand and for the few large rook formations
in the ocean, at a specific winter day the sunset light crosses a small tunnel
in one of the rooks.
Where? : 31.6 mile
south of Monterey from Highway 1take Sycamore Canyon Road right turn. The road
is difficult to see. It is in between the Big Sur Ranger Station and the Post
Office. When coming from the north on hwy 1 once you find the turnout, make a
very sharp turn right. Then follow the road for about two miles until it ends
in the beach parking lot.
Due note 1: RV’s and
trailers are not allowed due to the narrow road.
Due note 2: The parking
lot at the end of the road coast 12$, brig cash with you. At weekend noontime
the parking lot at the end of the road may be full so access from hwy 1 is
blocked. Try to come early.
My thoughts: Cliffs tower
above this small breathtaking stretch of sand, the large arch-shaped rock
formation just off-shore makes it a one of the nicest beaches I visited in California.
On one had I highly
recommend visiting this beach but on the other hand this off the main road and how
much time you have during your highway 1 trip.
Assume no
waiting at the parking lot a short visit, just to see the beach and the rocks
can be 1 hr…
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