What? :
Grafton Ghost
Town is a small group of wooded buildings in good condition stands near the
Virgin River just south of the boundary of Zion National Park near Rockville.
Nearby you can
visit the well-preserved cemetery containing several graves dating from the
Unless you are
into settlement history, I do not think this is a must stop on your way, except
few old and renovate buildings there is not a lot more to do here.

Blogs on nearby locations:
Where? :
Located about 8
miles east of Zion National Park East Entrance.
Rockville town
is located about 4 miles east of Springdale on highway 9.
From Rockville
this is 3.5-mile drive to the other side of the Virgin River over a bridge and
drive east on a well-maintained dirt road down the river.
Follow the dirt
road, do not take any turn left heading to the mountains, until you will reach
the road end.

When? :
The old ghost town
is open year-round.
Due note 1: No restroom, no
Due note 2: Day use only, not
a night stay.
Due note 3: The 1.5 dirt
road may be impassable to drive during periods of heavy rain.
Due note 4: This can be a
short 15 minutes stop 30 minutes with driving in and out.
Due note 5: The nearest
location for gas, food, bathrooms, water is in Springdale.
My thoughts:
Unless you are
into west settlement history, I do not think this is a must stop on your way,
except few old and renovate buildings there is not a lot more to do here.
Nice stop on
your way to Zion.
The Visit:
Grafton ghost
town was established in 1859.
Due to floods
and other difficulties its population declined and by 1890 only four families
remained. I read that the last inhabitants did not leave until 1944.
Grafton location
is relatively isolated from neighboring towns, being the only community in the
area located on the south bank of the Virgin River.
In 1997, the
Grafton Heritage Partnership was organized to protect, preserve, and restore
the Grafton Townsite.

Today when
visiting here you can see about five large structures remain, well-maintained buildings,
3 farmhouses and the two large community building, some were actually built to
be use as film set.
The schoolhouse
at Grafton, built in 1886, was also used as a church and public meeting place.
Nearby you can
visit the well-preserved cemetery, just before turning right to the old
building the graveyard is on your left.
This small graveyard
containing small number of graves dating from the 1860s, surprisingly the place
is maintained, clean and with flowers.
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